Q & A

In Mark 3:1–6, Jesus was angry because the Pharisees were hard of heart. How could Jesus, the perfect man, experience anger?


In His humanity, Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 1:20–21), born of the virgin, Mary (Matt. 1:22–25).  The Lord Jesus knew not sin (2 Cor. 5:21), committed no sin (1 Peter 2:22), and in Him there is no sin (1 John 3:5). Since Jesus is sinless, it is obvious that anger can be holy and pure and free from sin. The Lord’s anger in Mark 3 was neither a loss of self-control nor the rage of a powerless person, but the perfect demonstration of His holy nature and heart toward sin.

About the Author

Winfred Neely

Dr. Winfred Neely is Vice President and Dean of Moody Theological Seminary and Graduate School. Winfred has served churches across the city of Chicago, the near west suburbs, and Senegal, West Africa.

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