How would you describe God? Brainstorm a list of everything that comes to mind. Ask God to open your heart this month to learning new things about Him from His Word.
Why do you think God is compared to light? Contrast light and darkness. Why do people choose darkness rather than light?
The psalmist says that like a deer pants for water, his soul “pants” for God (Psalm 42:1). What type of emotion does that description evoke in you? Do you ever “pant” for God?
There are many images in the Bible that describe God as being a place of safety. Describe a time when God was a place of refuge for you.
If you are a parent, it is easy to see yourself in the image of God as a Parental Bird. How does it feel to imagine yourself as the baby bird in this image? Why is this image so important for the believer?
Why do you think God used metaphors to describe Himself. How do they unlock truth for us about who God is?
In our May study on 1 Kings, we saw the failures of many earthly kings. What is the distinction of God as King? How is He unique?
Why does the potter choose to smash the clay and start over? Why might it make us uncomfortable to view ourselves as clay in the hands of God, the Potter?
Contrast God as builder with human builders. Why are they similar? Why are they distinctively different?
Today, we tend to describe God as loving and kind, but not usually as a warrior. Why is this metaphor of God as warrior so important to understanding His character?
There are many references to vineyards and vine in Scripture. How are you staying connected to God? How are you nourishing that relationship?
God is an artist! What aspect of God’s creation has captured you with its beauty? Describe a time when God’s handiwork stopped you in your tracks.
Which images of God especially resonated with you this month? Did you learn anything new about God from studying these metaphors?