What do you know about Solomon? How does his life story impact your understanding of the books of Scripture he authored?
Read Abel’s story in Genesis 4. What has been “like Abel” in your own life?
How does Ecclesiastes’ view of work reflect your own view of work? Where do you find your value and worth? And what role does your vocation play in that?
As you read Ecclesiastes, look for allusions to the book of Genesis. Why do you think the Teacher wants us to read his writings in light of Genesis?
Christ died for our sins, was buried, and on the third day rose again. His sacrifice is the only way to be made right with God and to find meaning in this life. If you haven’t trusted in Jesus, we urge you to do so today. Go to moodybible.org/knowing-christ to learn more.
How can we “seize the day” while also honoring God? Name a few God-given gifts that you appreciate each day.
Are you struggling with a life decision? Ask God for wisdom to do the right thing at just the right time.
How do you view working, eating, and drinking? Are they idols you ask to fulfill you or take away your sorrows? Or do you see these activities as gifts from God to be enjoyed in the moment?
If you are in Christ, how can you share the hope of the resurrection with those you love? If you do not know Christ, believe in Him today!
Have you experienced the simple act of someone acknowledging your pain? How can you offer to someone else that same act of loving by listening and really hearing them?
Have you experienced connection in your local church family? How can you nurture a relationship with another believer today?
Have you ever made a vow to God? Why do you think God takes our words so seriously?
If what the Teacher and Paul and Jesus said is true (and it is!), what does life consist of? How can you reorient your life and priorities to be consistent with Scripture’s teaching about wealth?
How do you typically cope with life’s difficulties? What are some ways that you can strive to more fully enjoy God’s original gifts?
What is your satisfaction level with life? Do you get good things, but quickly become bored and want something else? Ask God to help you fully appreciate and enjoy the gifts He has given you.
Will you accept the Teacher’s invitation? If so, what are some practical steps you can take to make slowing down and meditating on God’s Word a more regular part of your life?
How does it make you feel to know that God made both the good times and the bad? How would it change your life to recognize his sovereignty over everything?
This is a hard truth, but a core part of the gospel. The good news is that Christ died for sinners. Will you repent of your sins and trust Him today?
As you reflect on the Teacher’s assessment of evil in the world, how does it compare to your view of the world today? Are people still “in search of many schemes” (v. 29)?
The American Revolution is a fascinating study of what happens when a group of people decided not to listen to their king.
What does it mean to fear the Lord? How can we reconcile God’s justice with His love?
How can enjoying God’s gifts help you to navigate this sin-riddled world as you await the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Do you fear death? How might acknowledging the sting of death help you communicate the gospel to others?
How can a healthy marriage model the gospel while helping people navigate a sin-riddled world?
Which of the proverbs in this section is most meaningful to you? Follow the guidelines in this devotional and spend time reflecting on that saying. What does it teach you about living with wisdom in this world?
Think specifically about verse 12. Have you spoken words that have damaged a relationship? How can you seek reconciliation today?
Why didn’t Nicodemus understand the message of Jesus? How would you explain to someone what it means to be born again?
Are you tempted to misuse God’s gifts by looking to them for fulfillment? How can we enjoy God’s gifts within His boundaries?
Why does the Teacher tell us to remember the Lord while we are still young? How does that admonition clash with our culture, which tells us to “sow wild oats”?
Are you living as a whole human being? Or is something crucial missing in your life? If you haven’t trusted in Jesus, do so today!