What is the general purpose and format of Deuteronomy? Why is remembering what God has done important to your faith journey?
How does remembering our past experiences strengthen our faith journey? Take time to reflect on what God has done in your past.
How do the truths in Psalm 24:1 and Isaiah 55:8–9 help us grapple with the more uncomfortable facts in this passage?
How can our relationship with God be used to accomplish His mission to the world?
How do the Ten Commandments reflect what is important to God? Why does keeping these commands reflect on our relationship with Him?
What does it mean for us to love God wholly and completely? Which part of loving God in that way challenges you?
Can you think of other times God used weak or insignificant things (or people) for His glory? How should this encourage us?
Why can wealth or success become a stumbling block for us in our relationship with God? How can we prevent this?
Are you ever tempted to think you deserve all that you have been given? Take time today to thank God for all He has done on your behalf.
What was stunning about the second chance that God gave His people? How does His grace transform our lives today?
Do you reserve your talking and thinking about God to Sunday? How can you weave these discussions into the everyday parts of your life?
Why did God command Israel to destroy altars and idols? In what ways are we sometimes tempted to conform to the world in our church practice?
What might be coming between you and your relationship with the Lord? How can you protect your love and obedience to God as the most important thing?
How can your heart overflow with compassion to those in need? What are some ways you can extend Christ’s love to others?
What special celebrations shape your family life? Your church life? What traditions keep us mindful of all that God has done?
Contrast our culture’s views of success with the characteristics modeled for us by Jesus. What stands out to you as the key difference?
What two key truths can we take away from these readings about the punishment for murder?
Reflect on the guidelines God established for war. How do those differ from our modern-day views? How are they similar?
What principles can we take from these laws regarding everyday life? How do they inform the way we treat others and relate to our community?
What surprises you about the laws in this portion of Deuteronomy? How can we carry out God’s call to care for others with compassion?
Think of a few practical ways you can demonstrate generosity and grace in your personal or business relationships.
Read the New Testament mentions of this verse (1 Cor. 9:9; 1 Tim. 5:18). How does this Scripture apply to those serving in ministry?
What would it look like for you to offer “firstfruits” to the Lord? At the dinner table, why not fill a small basket with notes offering your thanks to God?
How does this passage demonstrate God’s view of sin and disobedience? What challenge does this give us about so-called “private” sin?
What are the blessings God has given you? How can those be used to point people to what God has done?
What would a recommitment ceremony look like to the Lord? Today, take time to “renew” your commitment to serve Him. Ask Him to revive your original passion to serve Him.
We, too, struggle with hearts that are stubborn and disobedient. Take time today to reflect and confess your sins. Then, accept God’s gift of forgiveness and ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to follow Him well.
Just as the priests would read through the entire Law, we are strengthened by reading God’s Word. How has the practice of Bible reading helped your walk with the Lord?
What is your favorite praise song or hymn? Read or sing the lyrics today as you remember Whom you serve and all He has done for you!
How did Moses model strong leadership? How can we implement those qualities in our homes, workplaces or communities?
What can we learn from the life of Moses? What are your key takeaways from the book of Deuteronomy?