What was the purpose of sacrificing an animal to God? What were the requirements for this sacrifice?
The more responsibility a person had, the greater the size of their sin offering was needed. Why was this? What implications does this have for those of us in leadership positions?
What do the sacrifices in ancient Israel teach us about the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross? What connections do you see?
How does your belief in God influence practical things, like what you eat, wear, or spend your free time on?
What did the words “clean” and “unclean” mean in Leviticus? Are they still useful distinctions today? Why or why not?
How and when should we welcome someone back to the Christian community after they have sinned or left?
How is this study changing your definition or understanding of “blood”? Why do you think blood is such an important symbol in the Bible?
How was God’s view of marriage and sexuality countercultural for Israel? How is God’s view of this topic countercultural for us today?
How do you react to the consequences for sin outlined in Leviticus 20? What does this teach us about God’s view of sin?
Why were priests held to a higher standard than everyone else? How did they compare to Jesus, who Hebrews describes as our high priest?
How does our practice of the Sabbath differ from the Old Testament view? What can we learn from this practice and apply to our lives?
Why do you think God instituted a “sabbath year” for His farming people? How could we put this into practice in our own lives? How can we make it a habit of remembering that everything we have is a gift from God?