Discussion Starters
June 2023

The Gift of God's Word

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What do you believe about the Bible? How certain are you that the Bible is accurate? Why or why not?

What does it mean when we say Scripture is inspired?

When did you first read the Bible? What part does it play in your life today?

What was the connection between human authors and the Holy Spirit? How was the Bible recorded?

Why is it necessary to read both the Old and New Testaments? What benefit does that have for modern-day believers?

Examine one Old Testament prophecy fulfilled by Christ. How does this impact our trust in the Bible? How does this impact our trust in Jesus?

Have you read through the entire Bible? Why do you think this is beneficial for the Christian?

Why is the Bible compared to a “double-edged sword”? (Hebrews 4:12) Why is the Bible an effective defensive tool for the believer?

What does it mean when the Bible says people have “itchy ears”? Why do you think people decide they have the right to reinterpret the Bible to suit their situation or our culture?

Why does the Bible say there is joy in holiness? Shouldn’t holiness require a somber attitude?

What is one Bible verse you keep front and center in your home or workplace? Why does this verse shape your life?

What are some ways you can become a better student of the Bible? What is one thing you would like to add to your Bible study practice?

How does the Holy Spirit affect our understanding of God’s Word?

Why should we memorize Scripture? What purpose does it have in maturing as a Christian?

In day 27 of our devotional, we compare God’s Word to a rule book used in sports. In what ways are they similar? In what way is it different?

What is one thing you have learned about the Bible this month? How has this study challenged you?