Why do you think Paul’s letters were so important to the early church? What value do these letters hold for us today?
What voices or “false gospels” vie for your attention and loyalty? How can you guard your heart and mind from those influences?
Think about your sources. On what do you base your beliefs? How did Jesus first reveal Himself to you?
What is your salvation testimony? To what has God called you?
Pastors and Bible teachers play an important role in our discipleship. However, we should always submit first to God’s Word. Are there any ways you are elevating the teachings of someone above the direct revelation of God?
What false messages are added to the gospel today? How can we protect the truth of the gospel of Christ?
How might competition harm the work of the church? On the other hand, what examples of strong collaboration have you seen or experienced?
Why did Paul challenge Peter? What ripple effect did their disagreement have? Why was it necessary?
Are there ways you need to die to self and to sin today? How can you live for God with the power of Christ who lives in you?
What are we tempted to add to the gospel? In what “works of the law” are you tempted to find your identity and security?
Why was Abraham such a model of faith for future generations? What would others say about your testimony of faith and obedience?
Do you ever get in “project mode” focused only on tasks and ignoring everything else? In what ways are you tempted to focus on doing good works instead of walking in faith?
What does Paul clarify about the Law and the covenant? What does this teach us about God’s promises to us? Praise God for His grace today—and the inheritance you have through Jesus Christ.
Why was the Law not enough? How does God’s Law reveal our need for a Savior?
What role do “rules” play in the life of your faith community? How is grace presented and received?
Which truth from Galatians 3:26–29 speaks most directly to you right now?
Do you struggle to live in Christian community with any of your brothers and sisters? How does today’s passage encourage us to embrace other believes and trust the sovereign God?
What does adoption mean to us as God’s children? If you are a Christ- follower, in what ways have you claimed your new identity in Him?
Have you watched a loved one return to sin? In what ways do you wrestle with your own sin nature? How does being “known by God” give us reason and strength to overcome?
Who has modeled Christlikeness to you? Where has God called you to live out incarnational ministry?
If you’ve watched a loved one be lured away from the faith or swayed by false teaching, you resonate with Paul’s pain. Whom do you know that is particularly vulnerable to such an influence? Pray for them today.
In Christ, we too have this freedom from the Law. What does that freedom mean to us today? What should be our attitude toward the Law?
Have you experienced conflict among Christians who had different ideas about the Law and grace?
How would you describe your freedom in Christ? In what ways can you live out “the only thing that counts” today?
How is the Christian life like a race? What things might “cut in on you” and prevent you from finishing well?
Read through Spurgeon’s quote again. What does practical faith look like? In what ways is God calling you to “love your neighbor as yourself” today?
What does “walking by the Spirit” look like for you? If the weather permits, why not walk and talk to God today?
Which fruit of the Spirit is strong in you right now? Which fruit do you need to petition God for today?
Do you need to help restore someone who is living in sin? Or can you help carry someone’s burden today?
In what ways can you fertilize the fruit of the spirit in your heart? How can you do good to other people, especially your fellow believers?
What truths from Galatians have been most important for you? Why not share those takeaways on our Facebook Today in the Word Devotional Discussion group page?