Discussion Starters
January 2023

People of Prayer

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Would you say that prayer is easy or hard? Why? Try writing your own definition of prayer. What is it? What is it not?

Why do you think that prayer was not mentioned in the Bible until sin is also recorded?

Is it okay to pray if you are struggling with doubt? Why or why not?

As sinners, do we deserve to be heard by a holy God?

What place should confession of sin have in the Christian life? How should we go about it?

Is it ever okay to express our anger to God?

What does Jesus teach about the way we should and should not pray?

When Jesus cursed the fig tree, what was He teaching the disciples about faith?

How does it change your heart to know that Jesus prayed for you?

Is it wrong to pray for yourself? Why or why not? Do you find it easy or hard to do so? Why?

Like Jesus' disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, we do not always pray well. What are some simple steps that may help us to pray better?

If our prayers reveal what is closest to our hearts, what do your prayers say about you?

Do some have more of a calling to pray than others? What does a ministry of prayer look like? Does everyone have a ministry of prayer?

Is “saying grace” a common practice for you? Why has this been an important practice for many believers?

How has this month's study changed your prayer life?