Have you ever been surprised by God's blessing in a difficult circumstance? What surprised you most? What was the blessing?
How has knowing Jesus changed your life? What kinds of things did God use to bring this change about?
Paul says we can approach God with “freedom and confidence”. Do you feel confident in approaching God? Why or why not?
Christians sometimes say, "I'm not perfect. Just forgiven." Is this an accurate representation of the Christian life? Why or why not?
Some of us get uncomfortable when we are talking about submission. What makes submission difficult? Is submission ever wrong?
How is the Christian life like a race? How does it differ? What do you think Paul means when he says that his goal is to take hold of "that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me"?
Were you raised in a home or church that had a strict code of conduct? Why does Paul push back against the religious rules at the Colossian church?
We are urged to “set our mind on things above” (Col. 3:2). What does this mean in real life? How do we accomplish this?
Who has God used to help you grow in Christ and serve Him? What might be some ways to say thank you?