Discussion Starters
April 2020

Our Surprising Savior

A Study in the Gospel of Matthew

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What do you think Mary found most surprising about the angel’s announcement that she would give birth to Israel’s Messiah?

We sometimes treat the birth narrative of Jesus as if it were a children’s story. What details in Scripture reveal that it took place in the "real" world?

Jesus was baptized by John; and we are called to follow Him in baptism. Have you been baptized? What does this call mean to you?

How would you describe the sort of people Jesus called to be His followers?

Jesus’ followers were called disciples. How would you define a disciple?

Why do you think Jesus identified with Jonah? Make note of the similarities or differences between their life stories.

Why did you think Jesus taught in parables?

What would you consider to be Jesus’ most surprising miracle?

What would you consider Jesus’ most surprising teaching?

How would you explain the significance of Jesus’ suffering and death to someone who had never heard about Him?

Why do you think some who saw Jesus after His resurrection still doubted? Why do people still doubt today?

What “surprised” you about this month’s study of Jesus? What did you learn for the first time?