Discussion Starters
August 2021

Healing Love

A Study in Hosea

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What are some of the ways our culture defines “love”? Can you give an example or two of how we misuse the word “love”?How do the world’s views on love affect you?

Why did God tell Hosea to marry Gomer? What did God hope to accomplish by this marriage?

Why was Israel depicted as an adulterous woman?

What idols compete for your affection?

The book of Hosea encourages us to take a hard look at our own temptations and sinful habits. What is one temptation or habit that tends to take hold of your heart?

How do the sins of Israel compare to the sins we see in our world today?

As you reflect on these sins, make a prayer list, to pray more specifically on behalf of our world.

Our God is a God of miraculous transformations. In what ways has He transformed you?