What do we learn about Jesus in these first four verses? Why is Jesus the better way? What did He provide that people did not have before?
How do people think about angels today? What corrections does this passage make to the way we view angels?
Have you ever drifted away from the truth of salvation and God’s Word? How did this happen? How do we prevent it?
Reread that last sentence. How does thinking about this (that the work is already finished), change the way you will live today? If you do not know Christ, we encourage you to choose this “better way” today!
Why was it necessary that Jesus, fully God, would become fully human? What did this accomplish for us?
Why was Moses so esteemed by the recipients of this letter? What distinction does Jesus have that Moses does not?
What keeps us on the path of following God? What things threaten to distract us and even cause us to turn away? How can we avoid those pitfalls and hold “firmly to the very end”?
What does it mean to “enter” God’s rest? How do we follow our desire to please God by serving Him and still refrain from putting too much emphasis on our own self and our own ability?
What or who makes you confident? How do you feel when approaching God? What does this Scripture teach us about why we can draw near Him with confidence?
What are the qualifications for a priest? Why did Jesus perfectly fill this role? Why is having Jesus as your high priest far better than any human priest?
Where are you on the sliding scale of “kindergarten” to maturity in terms of your growth in Christ? What do you need to do to grow?
How do we know that our faith is genuine? How do we grow that faith into maturity (vv. 9–12)?
How can we “take hold” of the hope we have in Jesus? How does faith “anchor” our lives?
Describe the key differences between Jesus and priests. Why does this distinction provide great assurance for us?
Why did the Law fail to make people perfect? How does this align with the beliefs of many today who think they can be “good enough” to get into heaven?
Why do you think New Testament believers struggled to part with old ways? Why was the Law of Moses unable to be a permanent solution to our sin problem?
Describe the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant. Why was the new covenant necessary?
What limits did the worship regulations and design of the tabernacle place on an ordinary person’s approach to God? How did Jesus change that for us?
First Corinthians 6:20 says, “You are not your own; you were bought with a price.” How does reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made on your behalf change the way you live?
Sometimes we try to gain victory over sin on our own. How does the reality of what Jesus has accomplished change our perspective?
What is sanctification? How does it begin? How have you experienced sanctification in your life?
Why was Christ’s sacrifice so permanent and distinct? What does this provide for you? What is the defining mark of true faith?
Try to write your own definition of faith. What does the author of Hebrews say faith is? Why is faith so important? How have you experienced it?
Has God ever called you to take a bold step into the unknown? How did you react? What can we learn from the examples of Noah and Abraham?
Have you ever looked beyond the present and anticipated what God would do in the future? In what way would “persistence of vision” change your life?
Take some time to look up one or two of the people mentioned in this chapter and read their full biblical account. How does their faith story inspire your own? What can you learn from these examples?
What hardship are you (or someone you know) struggling with right now? How does Hebrews 12 change our perspective on suffering?
As Christians, how do we live among non-Christians who judge us or view us with suspicion or scorn? What advice do we find in today’s reading?
What important points does this passage make about God’s character? How does this shape our relationship with God?
How does the advice given here contradict what is happening in our world? Why do you think the writer closes with these things? Finally, how do we “live forward” with our focus on eternity?
How can you keep Jesus at the center of your life? What changes would that require? Write down your main takeaways from the book of Hebrews.