Leaders often struggle to finish well. Approaching the end of their career, some focus on ensuring their legacy, so they are not forgotten. Others cling to their power and position longer than they should. Some fail to provide a succession plan for fear of being pushed out early.
As Moses approached the end of his time as leader, he did not focus on making a name for himself. Instead, he reminded Israel of their covenant commitments and appointed a successor. Today’s reading includes Moses’ final words to the people of Israel. Just as church services often end with a benediction, Moses prays a parting blessing over the people he has journeyed with for the last forty years (v. 1).
Taking the time to address each tribe separately, Moses prays they will experience the blessings of the covenant. As we know from earlier in the book, this will happen as Israel is faithful to uphold their covenant commitment (Deut. 32:46–47). Most importantly, Moses reminds them that their most treasured possession is the presence of God in their midst. The Lord revealed Himself to them because He loves them (v. 3). He concludes by reminding Israel they are already blessed because of what the Lord has done for them: “Blessed are you, Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD?” (v. 29).
Today, we experience God’s presence in an even more profound way through Jesus. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Like Moses, Jesus reminds us that blessing comes with obedience (John 15:10). He wants us to experience God’s presence in and with us—“apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
How did Moses model strong leadership? How can we implement those qualities in our homes, workplaces or communities?
Lord God, thank You for bringing to us, through the centuries, the words of Moses: Your presence with us is indeed our most treasured possession. Thank You for Your Son who came to dwell with us forever!