Daily DevotionalJune 24, 2023

Daily Devotional | Transformational Leadership

Luke 10:38-42

After receiving an Emmy Lifetime Achievement Award, the late Fred Rogers asked the crowd, “Would you just take along with me10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are?” He concluded, “How pleased they must be to know the difference you feel they’ve made.” Rogers understood that transformational leaders leave a lasting impact on others. They inspire others to accomplish great things by listening, advising, cheering, and by example.

Let’s read Luke 10:38–42 for a third time. Today, we focus on Jesus, a transformational leader. No one who encountered Jesus walked away unchanged. Even though He was the Son of God, the promised Messiah, He took the time to understand each person, responding to their individual needs with care and compassion.

We are told that “Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus” (John 11:5). During the visit described in Luke 10, Jesus noticed Martha’s stress as she cared for the details of hosting. He responded in a very personal way. By saying her name twice, He demonstrated that He knew her and cared about her. In the original Hebrew, it would have sounded like “My dear, dear Martha” (v. 41). Calmly and compassionately, He taught Martha about the most essential things in life. He did not disregard her service but pointed to something even better.

As transformational leaders, we can follow the lead of Jesus by noticing the people in our lives. Getting to know them and walking alongside them on their faith journey is a mark of true leadership.

>> Take some time today to think about the people who have influenced you and helped you become the person you are today. The people who come to mind might not have an official title, but their influence on your life is significant. If you have a moment, write a note of thanks to one of those individuals.

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Pray with Us

Thank You, God, for the men and women You have used to shape and sharpen us. May You bless and strengthen them to continue exemplifying godly leadership. If they do not know You, we ask You to reveal Yourself to them.

He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom.Colossians 1:28

About the Author

Chris Rappazini

Dr. Chris Rappazini believes "the Bible is still relevant, leadership is essential, and the church's best days are still ahead."

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