Have you ever wondered why some people propose marriage at large gatherings, such as a professional baseball game? They may want to make the moment memorable by choosing such a setting. They might also feel it’s not enough to declare their love to their beloved in private, they want the whole world to know.
Today’s psalm is a rousing call to praise God. The Psalmist commands “all the earth” to praise the name of God all the time (vv. 1–2). God has done wonderful things for Israel (v. 3). He has chosen to dwell in Israel’s midst (vv. 6, 8). He is far superior to any other so-called god (v. 4). It was not enough for Israel to keep the truth about this God to itself. Israel needed to proclaim His name and His works to all the nations.
“Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength” (v. 7). The nations are invited to come into the Temple courts and present offerings to the God of Israel (v. 8). They are commanded to join Israel in worshiping the Lord (v. 9)!
But it is not enough to just have Israel and the nations worship God, creation itself is invited to join the chorus! The Psalmist calls on the heavens and earth, the seas and fields, and even the trees to proclaim the greatness of God (vv. 11–12). Our joy at the salvation God has provided overflows, inviting others to join us in giving thanks to the Lord. It is best to acknowledge God’s rule now because He is coming to judge (v. 13).
>> An important part of worshiping God is proclaiming what He has done to others. We can share the good news that Christ has died for our sin so that we can all joyfully come to God in worship knowing we are free and forgiven!
How is our praise of God a motivation for missions?
How can we stay silent when the mountains and seas, the fields and the trees, cannot contain their praise? We raise our voices with the rest of creation to honor and worship You!
Dr. Ryan Cook is professor of Bible and the executive director of the Center for Advanced Global Leadership Studies for Moody Theological Seminary.
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