Daily DevotionalMarch 24, 2023

Daily Devotional | Mary: Mother and Disciple

Acts 1:1–14

Mary was not only the mother of Jesus, she was His disciple. In the book of Acts, Luke continues the story of Jesus. During Jesus’ 40 resurrected days on earth, He appeared to the apostles and gave them many “convincing proofs that He was alive” (v. 3). The accuracy of this evidence mattered to Luke.

Jesus promised the apostles the gift of the Holy Spirit and instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for this baptism (vv. 4–5). Finally, He commissioned them as His witnesses and ascended “before their very eyes” into the clouds (v. 9).

The apostles left the Mount of Olives and walked back to their upper room in Jerusalem. There, they could talk and pray away from the street- level crowds. Luke listed the men by name—the same disciples as in Luke 6:14–16, excepting Judas Iscariot. Luke also continued his practice of honoring women by acknowledging their presence, though not by name. As we have seen, faithful women served Jesus during His ministry and were with Him at His death. Certainly, it makes sense that they were present at the beginning of the Church.

Mary is mentioned by name in verse 14, her only appearance in the book of Acts. It is a fitting finish to her biblical story. Luke presented her as a model of trust and obedience in his gospel record. She experienced the greatest joys and sorrows motherhood can bring. And through it all, she was a disciple of her own Son.

Interestingly, Jesus’ brothers were also there. Their unbelief from six months prior (John 7:5) must have been reversed. Jesus appeared to James after His resurrection (1 Cor. 15:7). Perhaps that was the impetus for his (and other brothers’) belief.

>> This group “all joined together constantly in prayer” (v. 14). Constantly means “resolutely, persistently, even obstinately.” A community is made strong by prayer. Do you have a prayer group? Maybe today is a good time to begin one.

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Pray with Us

Father, for those of us who are not in a strong community of believers, we ask You to bring us into fellowship with others who love You and are devoted to prayer.

This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back.Acts 1:11

About the Author

Kelli Worrall

Kelli Worrall is Professor of Communications and Chair of the Division of Music and Media Arts at Moody Bible Institute.

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