Daily DevotionalApril 9, 2021

Daily Devotional | David's Prayer Part 2

1 Chronicles 29:14–20

In his New York Times bestselling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey tells people to imagine what they want said at their funeral. When we think about how we want to be remembered we should begin with the end in mind. Did you know that your life will shape your legacy? How we live will determine how people will remember us. And how we steward the things God has given us will influence the way people think of us long after we are gone. King David never read Covey’s book, but he knew that the life he leads would ultimately shape his legacy. It is no wonder then that in one of his final prayers he declares before the Lord that everything comes directly from God.

David recognized that all of the wealth the Israelites were able to provide for the building of the Temple was actually from God’s hands (vv.14, 16). This raw, humble sentiment is the bedrock of biblical stewardship. Through David’s prayer, he teaches his son, his people, and us that God is beyond generous. The right response on our part is to be generous. David also reminds his people that even though they were living in the land, they were still “foreigners and strangers,” and that the only right to the land was through God’s provision and sovereignty. David said that at the heart of generosity ought to be integrity and honesty. For him, the motive dictated the motion (v. 17).

David concludes by getting to the heart of the matter which is ultimately a matter of the heart. He requested that the Lord help his son’s heart, and the Israelites’ hearts, to be fixed on Yahweh.

>> Look at your life and ask, “What is mine and what is the Lord’s?” As you reflect, I hope you come to the similar conclusion David did, that everything comes from the Lord.

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Pray with Us

Everything we have is from you, Father. As we teach our children to practice generosity, help them understand that everything we have and give belongs to you; we are the sons and daughters of a God who gives abundantly.

Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.1 Chronicles 29:14

About the Author

Chris Rappazini

Dr. Chris Rappazini believes "the Bible is still relevant, leadership is essential, and the church's best days are still ahead."

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