A website called Rate My Professor allows college students to evaluate their teachers, rating them on their level of difficulty and expertise. Many students, when selecting courses, will look at those reviews and use that information to decide which course to enroll in. These student reviews are highly influential! What one student, who has been through the course, says carries significance for those deciding whether or not to enroll.
In his review of Jesus, John the Baptist declared Him “the Lamb of God” (v. 35), a statement that heavily influenced Andrew and John. Jesus then issued this life-changing invitation to His disciples to experience Him for themselves: “Come and you will see” (v. 39). He invited them to come, to walk alongside Him. After spending the day with Jesus, Andrew enthusiastically went to his brother Simon and proclaimed, “We have found the Messiah” (v. 41).
Both John and Andrew became influencers, sharing the good news that the Messiah had come. Word of Jesus quickly spread to many others, including Philip, Andrew, and Peter. History now records the disciples’ day-to-day experiences as they walked alongside God’s Son and learned from His example. And Jesus’ influence did not stop with His death, resurrection, and ascension. His life has been recorded in the bestselling book of all time spreading from Jew to Gentile and to every continent.
When we share how Christ has worked in our own lives, we influence others. Since September 2, 1981, my life has truly never been the same. Hallelujah! September 2 was the day of my salvation. Tell others how your life has been miraculously influenced by the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
>> How has your life been changed by Jesus? Tell someone about it today, in a conversation, with a letter, or even on social media. While you might not write a bestselling book, you can certainly tell someone today Who has influenced your life.
Who are the “students” in your life who need to hear the gospel or learn how to live from a biblical worldview?
You may think you are not an influencer. But Christ is! Ask the Lord to show you someone who needs to hear about God’s work in your life. Your testimony can change someone’s life for eternity.
Dr. Mary Martin previously served at Moody as program head of Christian School Education and chair of the Education and Counseling division.
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