Daily DevotionalJune 10, 2024

Daily Devotional | Hope in His Presence

Matthew 9:18–38

Imagine a farmer looking out at a barren field, holding an ear of dried corn. In his grasp is the potential of a rich bountiful harvest for the coming growing season. It is easy to see how such a scenario could instill hope deep within him that will motivate him through the long road ahead until the harvest.

In Matthew 9, two miracle stories are intertwined: a desperate father seeking help for his lifeless daughter (v. 18) and a woman who has endured twelve years of suffering (v. 20). Each account is marked by hope and trust in Jesus and culminates in a dramatic display of His healing power.

These stories reveal two important truths. First, Jesus was present in their midst (vv. 18, 20). The knowledge that God is with us can give us hope, even in desperate situations. Later, when our Lord was physically among people and saw their needs (v. 35), He had “compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless” (v. 36).

Second, hope in God requires faith. When faced with death and incurable disease, these individuals sought out the Lord and His healing touch. Both the ruler and the woman subject to bleeding had faith that Jesus could change their situations, and He honored their faith.

These two desperate individuals were quickly transformed by the Lord’s presence and power. If you are facing a troubling circumstance, allow the Lord to speak to you powerfully and personally. If you know of others who are hurting, look for ways you can infuse them with the hope of a loving, ever-present Lord. Just as a farmer is hopeful when he plants seeds in barren ground, we can be confident and expectant that when the Lord shows up, things can undergo a radical change!

Go Deeper

Compare and contrast the two miracles in this passage. What was the same? What was unique? How do these two truths frame our response to trials?

Pray with Us

“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Ps. 73:25–26).

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.Matthew 9:36

About the Author

Jim Coakley

Dr. Jim Coakley is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute.

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