Daily DevotionalNovember 27, 2024

Daily Devotional | Leadership Churn

2 Kings 24:1–7
Leadership Churn
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Turnover at work can be a bad thing, especially at the top level. Constant change in leadership can cause chaos in an organization, as shifting priorities create uncertainty, eventually leading to distrust. Things were no different for Judah after Josiah died. He was replaced by his son who was wicked and only reigned for three months before he was forcibly replaced by his brother. And when he died, he was replaced by Josiah’s grandson who reigned for a short time. The nation also faced increasing conflict from regional enemies (v. 2) and distant empires as well.

What should we make of all this turmoil? God was punishing Judah for their wickedness. Poor leadership and military conflict were tools that God used to discipline His people. It should not have been a surprise to them. They had been warned during the reign of Manasseh. Now it was finally coming to pass: “Surely these things happened to Judah according to the LORD’S command, in order to remove them from his presence because of the sins of Manasseh and all he had done” (v. 3).

Israel’s hope in earthly leadership must have been wearing thin. Though the nation had a few godly leaders, they had many more ungodly ones who led the nation astray. Would they ever have a king they could trust, who would lead them by righteous example?

Yes, God promised they could look forward to such a righteous ruler. This was the hope of Ezekiel who ministered at that time: “I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign LORD” (Ezek. 34:15). It remains a hope for all who love the Lord. Our hope is not in earthly leaders who will inevitably fail us. Our hope is in the Lord, our Good Shepherd!

Go Deeper

How can this hope affect our expectations for leadership today? When leaders fail you, does your hope in the Lord provide a strong foundation for peace in your heart?

Pray with Us

Father, we come to You with praise and thanksgiving! Thank You that we can depend on You in all circumstances. Everything and everybody may fail us, but You will remain our Rock—always there and always trustworthy.

I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign LORD.Ezekiel 34:15

About the Author

Steven H. Sanchez

Dr. Steven H. Sanchez is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute. His specific areas of study include the Israelite monarchy, the Pentateuch, the Second Temple period, and biblical archeology.

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