“Temptation always begins with deception. We think: Maybe God doesn’t have my best interests in mind. Maybe God’s way won’t satisfy me.”
For years I’ve mentored young men, ages 17–24, and we would often spend a long time on the topics of temptation and lust. I would tell them that sexual desire itself is a good thing, a God thing. But when we misuse, abuse, or distort that desire, it has devastating effects.
There will be temptation around us. But James tells us that the real battle is internal (James 1:13–15). He explains what it does to our life: “Do not be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights” (vv. 16–17). The power of temptation, the root, lies in the deception of our soul.
Temptation always begins with deception. We think: Maybe God doesn’t have my best interests in mind. Maybe God’s way won’t satisfy me. Maybe there is a shortcut, a better way. Temptation is always rooted in deception.
What teaches us to say “No”? The answer centers on the grace of God. “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self- controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age” (Titus 2:11–12).
Grace is the unmerited, undeserved favor of God. His goodness. His beauty. It is the complete conviction that God’s way is the best way. God’s character is not flawed in any way, and He has my best interests at heart. We need to fill ourselves with the things of God so that when temptation comes around and offers us an enticing snack, we are full and can say “No!”
Claiming victory is not just about discipline. It’s about becoming so saturated with the grace, power, and beauty of God that the lures fade in comparison with what we have experienced with Him. The greatest antidote to marital infidelity is being madly in love with one’s spouse. They’ve tasted the goodness of God. They aren’t focused on rules. They think: Why would I want to cheat when I have such an amazing relationship? In the same way, spending time in God’s presence, soaking in His beauty, and drinking deep of who He is creates the greatest repellent to the temptation that is all around us.
Dr. Mark Jobe is the president of Moody Bible Institute. He has served as the lead pastor of New Life Community Church, one church that meets at 27 locations.
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