Q & A

Does the Bible prove that the Earth is round and not flat?


Despite the many images of the Earth we have from space, theories about the Earth being flat continue to arise. By searching the Scriptures, you will not find proof that the Earth is round. Language in Scripture reflects the ancient Near East writers’ observations of the sun moving through its circuit in the sky (

Ps. 19:6
), of the sun rising and falling (
Ps. 50:1
Isa. 59:19
Mal. 1:11
), and of the horizon being circular (
Job 26:10

The role of Scripture is to reveal spiritual matters, not to argue for scientific fact. For this reason, Scripture does not mention many scientific discoveries. The Bible is for making us wise toward salvation to carry out the work of the gospel (

2 Tim. 3:14–17

Believers must be people of truth (

Prov. 12:19
Eph. 4:25
); lying is a characteristic of those outside of Christ (
1 Tim. 1:10
Titus 1:12
Rev. 21:8
). As people of truth, in humility, we should tell people who debate over the spherical shape of the Earth that such an argument is unnecessary, for all related data points to the truth of a spherical Earth. When we encounter those who wish to argue, we should walk away and not argue with foolishness (
Prov. 26:4–5
). We can leave such persons to ponder the swirling of the water in their sinks and bathtubs—swirling that reverses direction when we cross the equator.

About the Author

Eric Redmond

Dr. Eric C. Redmond serves as a professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and as associate pastor of adult ministries at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, Ill.

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