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Daily Devotional | Seeking Answers: The Book of Job | A man walking through a library. Daily Devotional | Seeking Answers: The Book of Job | A man walking through a library.

Seeking Answers | Discussion Starters

  • August 2024 Issue
Discussion Starters
  • Have you ever asked the question Job poses: Why do bad things happen to good people? What is your answer to that?
  • Has God ever removed something or someone important in your life? Did you respond appropriately? 
  • If you’ve walked through adversity, were you able to trust God during it? How can you guard your heart even before you experience hardship?
  • Why did it take a while for Job to start to express his hurt? Have you ever felt that you weren’t valued? What reminded you of your value to God? 
  • What did Job’s friends fail to understand? Have you ever been falsely accused of something? How
    did you respond?
  • Do you need wise advice right now? Whose counsel will you seek? Is this person directed by God?
  • How have well-meaning people been hurtful in their efforts to minister to you in difficult times? Why is our knowledge of God and His Word so important during those times?
  • Why is Jesus’ role as our advocate even better than an arbitrator?
  • When was the last time you provided a listening ear to someone in need? How can you be a better listener?
  • What are some of the truths Job’s friends have shared with him? What are some things they have assumed that are clearly wrong? What lesson has Job learned here?
  • Do you have a good friend who has stuck with you through good times and bad? How can you be that sort of friend to someone else?
  • Have you ever been falsely accused? In your own experience, have hard times driven you closer to Jesus or away from Him?
  • Why do the wicked seem to prosper in this lifetime while the righteous suffer? What is the fate of the wicked?
  • How is Jesus our Arbitrator, Advocate, and Redeemer? Why do each of those roles make a difference to us?
  • What twists and turns have you had to deal with in your life? How were you able to adjust to those expected circumstances?
  • What things might be distracting you from hearing clearly from the Lord? How can you reduce or minimize those distractions?
  • Why do we struggle to understand God and His ways? How does observing Eliphaz and Job shape the way we treat others who are struggling?
  • Have you ever felt distant from God? Are you there now? If so, keep pursuing Him.
  • Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation? If not, why not talk to a pastor or a Christian friend about this today? Or go to
  • What questions concerning life are you seeking? Do you agree with Job 28:28?
  • As you reflect on your life, how has God blessed you? What can you resolve to do today to pursue God and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ?
  • Describe a time in your life when you felt desperate for God’s help and answers. How did people react to your situation? Was it with comfort, or did they inflict more pain?
  • If you were to look back at your faith journey, what do you think your own report card would look like? Consider how you can aspire to fear God and live a life that is blameless and upright.
  • How can we better represent Christ in our conversations? What might need to change in the way we engage in disagreements with others, in person or online?
  • Have there been times when you have been tempted not to listen completely? Do you employ selective hearing?
  • What can we learn from Elihu when we comment on social media? Do you think twice before criticizing a fellow Christian? Do you try to get others to side with you?
  • What does Elihu get right about God? How does creation help us better understand the Creator?
  • Why does God ask Job these questions? How would you respond if the Lord posed the above questions to you?
  • What did you notice about this list of questions? How does God’s intimate knowledge and relationship with animals encourage you in your own faith journey?
  • What would your response be to God? Why do you think God did not answer Job directly?
  • What has this study taught you regarding your walk with the Lord? What is the one thing about Job that resonates with you?