When we “closed” on the sale of our house, it was a tedious affair. My wife and I, as well as our realtor, the seller, and a title expert, sat at a conference table stacked with papers. We signed and signed and signed, until my hand was cramping.
At the end, we placed the title and mortgage papers in a clay jar and sealed it up. Wait, what? No, of course we didn’t. So why did Jeremiah do that after buying a field from his cousin? God told him to buy the property, located near his hometown of Anathoth (vv. 6 10). Even though he was imprisoned, apparently, he had some freedom and was still on duty as a prophet.
Before witnesses, Jeremiah purchased the field and sealed up the deeds in a clay jar (vv. 11–15). The purpose was long-term storage. Considering the imminent Babylonian conquest, this was an object lesson in faith and hope. From a human perspective, it made no sense to buy a field that would soon be “owned” by the Babylonians. By doing so, Jeremiah expressed faith in God’s promise. One day they would return. One day they would buy and sell land there again.
Jeremiah also prayed a public prayer of praise to the Lord (vv. 16–25). He proclaimed God to be powerful, loving, just, and sovereign (vv. 17–19). He praised God for His mighty deeds in the past and confessed the people’s unfaithfulness (vv. 20–23). He admitted that the coming conquest was deserved (vv. 24–25). His faith and hope, as symbolized in his purchase, were not based in any human factor, but entirely on the Lord!
>> We don’t know what you’re going through in your life, but we know where you can find hope: “Set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming” (1 Peter 1:13).
Suffering, rejoicing, deliverance—these things are much more potent in reality than in theory. That’s also true of the joy we’ll know in the Second Coming. In the intensity of life on earth, remind us of our future with You.
Bradley Baurain is Professor and Program Head of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Moody Bible Institute.
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