Discussion Starters
November 2022

Loving One Another

Even When It's Hard

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How many “one another” phrases in the Bible can you name? Before you begin this study, try to make a list.

Why was the act of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet such a powerful lesson? (see John 13).

From the story of the good Samaritan, told by Jesus, who is defined as our neighbor? (see Luke 10).

What does the word “fellowship” mean to you? How have you experienced true fellowship with other believers?

Why does Paul teach that it is wrong for believers to sue other believers? (see 1 Cor. 6:1–8).

What role do you play in the body of Christ? How can you help your church by contributing your unique gifts? (see 1 Cor. 12)

How can you help someone in a biblical way? What should you do or not do?

What is the result between believers when they do not tell the truth? Why is it so easy for Christians to be dishonest with one another?

Submission can be an uncomfortable term in our modern day. What is the believer’s motivation to submit? Why is it so important to our Christian walk? (see Eph. 5:21–32).

Are you more of a “Here I Am” or a “There You Are” person? What are some ways you can help other people feel valued?

What Christian hymn or song has deep meaning for you? Consider sharing it with others this week on social media!

Can you remember a time that someone showed hospitality to you? How can you do the same for someone else?

When was the last time you acted in humility toward another person? What was it that stirred you to serve them? How could you make humility a more constant virtue in your day-to-day life?

Do you remember a time when someone made you feel welcomed? What did they do? How can you change the way you greet people to make them feel more loved and appreciated?

Which “one another” command has been most impactful for you in this month’s study? How will it change or shape your future interactions with fellow believers?