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Dying to Self Dying to Self

Dying to Self

In January, Netflix released a special featuring Marie Kondo, who urged home owners to “tidy” by getting rid of excess clothing, books, and household items. Her best-selling book and the televised special received so much attention that many people began emptying closets and drawers, trying to live a new life less cluttered by possessions.

After describing our new life in Christ, Paul points out the implications that truth should have in our life. Here he explains that there are certain aspects of our old life that we must let go. The language Paul uses is quite drastic, “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature” (v. 5). There can be no half-measures. We cannot continue to entertain sinful behavior.

In these verses Paul specifically mentions two kinds of sinful behavior: sexual sins and greed. For the believer, these sins are forms of “idolatry,” putting our earthly desires above God (v. 5). Jesus made it clear, “You cannot serve both God and money” (Matt. 6:24). It is because of these kinds of sins that “the wrath of God is coming” (Col. 3:6).

We are able to put our earthly desires to death because, in Christ, we have already died to that way of life (Col. 2:20). When Jesus died on the cross, He defeated sin and its ability to enslave us. Because we live in a fallen world, we remain surrounded by sin, and we may be sorely tempted by various sins. That is why Paul gives this warning. Paul’s overall message to us is this: “Live in the victory that Jesus has achieved for you!” We used to walk in self-destructive ways, but now, in Christ, freedom is possible.

Pray with Us

It’s Commencement on our Chicago campus today! And a first one for Dr. Mark Jobe as president of Moody Bible Institute. Please say a prayer for Dr. Jobe as he hands out diplomas to graduating students. May it be a glorious occasion for everybody present.

BY Ryan Cook

Dr. Ryan Cook has taught at Moody Bible Institute since 2012. He earned his bachelor of arts in Bible and Theology from Moody and his master of arts in Old Testament from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. He has worked in Christian education and served as a pastor in Michigan for seven years. During his time as a professor at Moody, he earned his doctorate from Asbury Theological Seminary. He now lives with his wife, Ashley, and their three children in the Chicagoland area.

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