Discussion Starters
June 2022

God of Second Chances

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What does it mean to you when we say that our God is a God of second chances?

What were the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin?

When Joseph was called upon to interpret the Pharaoh’s dream, why did he say he couldn’t do it?

What do we learn from the story of Joseph and his brothers about second chances?

Why is humility and forgiveness essential for second chances?

When we sin, we show that we “despise the word of the Lord” (2 Sam. 12:9). How are you “despising” God’s Word with your actions?

In what ways have you acted like Jonah? Who is your Nineveh?

Whom in your life is God calling you to forgive and why is it difficult for you to forgive that person?

Why did it shock people that Jesus chose to dine with sinners?

Why does God give people a second chance? When has God given you another chance?

How does being forgiven change our relationships with others?

What are a few ways we pass judgment on others? How can we do a better job of following Jesus’ example of extending hope and forgiveness?