Sheep and Shepherds in the Bible
What skills did David learn in his vocation as a shepherd? How did they turn out to be useful in his battle against Goliath.
What skills developed in your ordinary life might God use for a future step of faith?
What do you think it was like for the Shepherd to become one of the sheep?
Why do you think God compares us to sheep?
What qualities of a shepherd help us understand God’s character and His relationship with us?
Sheep are prone to wander. So are we! How can we better train our own hearts toward faithfulness?
What do you like most about being one of the sheep of God’s pasture?
Why is God so angered by false shepherds?
Can you explain the symbolism of the Passover meal?
How did Christ fulfill this symbolism?
In Scripture and Ancient Near Eastern culture, shepherds are an image often connected with kingship and leadership. What qualities make a bad leader?
What qualities characterize a good leader or shepherd?