A Study in Jeremiah
Have you seen idolatry in the world today? Can you give an example? As a hint, idolatry is when we put something ahead of God.Which forms of idolatry tempt you the most and how might you best resist them?
Why do the wicked prosper? We also call this the "problem of evil." How would you answer someone who asked you this question as an objection to Christianity?
The book of Jeremiah uses object lessons like the potter and the clay to teach important truths. What object lessons can you use to teach someone about sin or salvation?
Jeremiah 29:11 is often quoted out of context (“plans for a future and a hope”). What do people not understand about this verse?
Why did God give Jeremiah prophecies about other nations? Why are these prophecies included in the Bible?
What have you learned about "justice" in the book of Jeremiah? How does it differ from our cultural understandings of this value?
You probably noticed that Jeremiah spoke to God in a very frank and honest manner. How might you apply his way of doing this in your own prayer life?