Discussion Starters
November 2020

Thankful for the Gospel

The Book of Acts

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Why didn’t Jesus send the disciples directly into ministry? Why did He tell them to wait?

What purpose did miracles serve in the early ministry of the apostles?

List some of the strengths of the New Testament church. Do you see these strengths in your own church?

List some of the weaknesses of the New Testament church. Do you think the church still struggles in these areas?

Prejudice is not a new problem. What were some steps the New Testament church took to deal with this issue?

What made Paul such an unlikely choice for an apostle? Why should this encourage us today?

How would you summarize the basic elements of apostolic preaching?

What aspect of the gospel seemed hardest to accept for those from a Jewish background?

What are the essentials of the gospel message?

What does the book of Acts reveal about facing hardship in the Christian life?

What aspect of the gospel did the Gentiles find challenging?