Discussion Starters
May 2024

Sing to the Lord | Discussion Starters


What has been your personal experience with music and worship? Have you ever experienced music in a way that made you both feel and think?


What events led up to the first prayers mentioned in Genesis 4:26? Why do you think prayer and singing are interwoven?


What does the “Song of the Sea” teach us about singing in worship? What are some of the reasons we should sing to the Lord?


What two things are woven into the very fabric of the Song of Moses? Can you think of a worship song or hymn today that reflects these things?


What do you think went through the minds of the Israelites as they followed God’s puzzling instructions?  How does being mindful of our future hope (Heb. 4:9) influence the way we walk in obedience today?


In these days when God’s Word is often twisted and compromised, what is the power of song? Can you think of ways that the church can use music to speak God’s truth both within and outside the family of God?


What about you? Would the phrase “and the Lord is with this person” appear on your list of qualifications? Ask God to walk before you and beside you in all things.


Are you easily enticed by anything, merely because it is new or modern? What are the dangers of our desire to always have the latest thing? A new cart is nothing compared to a pure heart!


Does God and His Word dwell daily in your thoughts? Write a “song” of gratitude and praise to Him today, using both your mind and your heart.


Has God used music to prepare your heart for worship? Why is music, directed to the Lord, so powerful in refocusing our attention? Maybe for the remainder of this devotional study you can listen to worshipful music, preparing to receive God’s Word.


When a crisis arrives, what is your natural response? What do we learn from Jehoshaphat’s example? What do you need to bring before the Lord today?


On this Lord’s Day, take time to guard your heart. What do you need to get rid of in your life? What might be hindering your relationship with God?


What were the threats to God’s people? What did Nehemiah do to restore order and ensure their protection? How does that apply to our spiritual life?


Does your local church ever sing songs directly taken from God’s Word? What is the benefit of setting the Bible to song? If you have musical talent, try setting one of your favorite psalms to music!


What is a Song of Ascent? Why did people sing while on their journeys? What application does this have for our lives today?


When we worship what is on our minds and hearts? Why did God’s people sing about Zion? What significance did it hold for them and what does it mean to us today?


How do love songs reflect the deep need of our hearts? How does this reading make you think differently about the way we can express our love for our Savior?


Consider the music you listen to outside of church. What does it “worship”? What values are central to that music? How might this change your listening habits?


What can we look forward to “on that day” we are united with God? What does Zephaniah tell us to do now?


What circumstances are you facing today? Are you looking toward a difficult season ahead? What can we learn from our Savior’s example?


How did God work during Paul’s hardship? What can we learn from the apostle about walking through times of suffering?


What are the three types of music Paul identifies? Can you think of any examples of these that we use in modern-day worship?


What or who is controlling or influencing your life and choices? Why can this be compared to drunkenness? What should we do instead?


Do we seek the things above (v. 1) and set our minds and hearts on Christ and His Word? How does preparing correctly for worship allow the peace of Christ to rule our hearts (v. 15)?


Why is it so important that Christ is the focus of our worship and the subject of our worship songs? Can you think of songs or hymns where He is the clear focus?


Do you have the mind of Christ, rooted in His truth and His love? How does being “like-minded” change the way we think, act, and even worship?


How have you used your words in good or bad ways? Are you willing to speak words of truth, especially when a loved one has wandered away? (James 5:19). We are called to be both hearers and doers of the word (1:22). May God use our words to bless His name and bless others.


Do a bit of investigation on the background of the book of Revelation. What is significant about music being a focus at both Creation (see Day 1) and the very end of the age?


What is the significance of Jesus’ name as the Lamb of God? Why do you think this name is given such importance in Revelation?


What is the significance of “hallelujah” in Revelation 19? Why is this word so closely connected to Christ’s return?


What has God been teaching you through this study? How has it deepened your understanding of music in the Bible?