Discussion Starters
October 2020

Longing for God

A Study in Psalms, Book Two

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Have you ever felt far from God like the Psalmist describes in Psalm 42? How could this psalm help you in that situation?

How can prayer help us in the face of unexplained suffering? (see Psalm 44)

How does our hope for Christ’s return help us in the midst of trials we face now? (see Psalm 45)

Is there a time in your life you can look back on and recognize that God was your refuge and strength? (see Psalm 46)

In Psalm 49, what are some reasons the Psalmist gives for not being afraid in times of adversity?

How does David serve as a model of true repentance? (see Psalm 51)

Is it hypocritical to praise God even when you do not feel like it, or is that a matter of faith?

What are some of the ways that the world has been impacted by sin? What are some faithful ways we can respond? (see Psalm 59)

In Psalm 65, what are some of the reasons David gives to praise God?

What are some of your favorite images of God in Psalm 68? Why?