What does it mean when we say there are the two Advents? How do both Advents bring us hope?
Do you ever feel like Jesus is taking too long to come back? What opportunities does this seeming delay create for God’s mercy?
The grace Paul writes about teaches us to say “no” to some things and “yes” to others. Which of these do you need to do today?
Advent can be a season of sorrow for those who have lost loved ones. Are you filled with groaning this Advent? How can you express your grief to God today?
Is there something you can do to “lean into” hope today? Should you sing a song, talk to a friend, or read a verse of Scripture?
Paul’s message is described in Acts 28:23 as the testimony of a witness. Have you seriously considered his evidence?
If someone asked you today: What is your hope in life and death? What would be your response?
Read through the titles given to Jesus again, this time pausing to reflect on each one. Which of these titles speaks to your own need today?
Have you found peace with God? The only way is to accept God’s terms with humility and repentance. Will you trust in Jesus as your Savior right now? If you would like to know more, go to moodybible.org/knowing-christ/.
Are you like Zechariah? Are you questioning God’s promises, as they seem too good to be true? Nothing is too hard for God (Jer. 32:27)!
What can we learn from Mary’s response in Luke 1:26–38? Also, what do we learn about Jesus from the angel’s message?
What would it look like to write your own song to God? If you enjoy Christmas music, listen to Moody Radio for round-the-clock music that honors our Savior’s birth!
Is there someone in your life who needs to hear that Jesus is the path to peace with God? What kind of question might you ask that would allow you to raise the subject?
How does Paul describe God’s “peace treaty” with Jews and Gentiles? How does this affect our relationship with God? How does it affect the relationship between Gentiles and the Jewish people?
Why is light an appropriate symbol for Christmas? What hope does Isaiah give to Israel and to all people?
Jesus is indeed the “light of the world!” Will you take a moment to pray that Abraham’s descendants will see His light and turn to Jesus Christ as their Prince of Peace?
Why do many people get confused about God’s grace and judgment? How do those two things go together?
What is the second Advent? As believers, what do we look forward to in our future based upon these promises?
What circumstances in your life might cause you to lose hope? How does shifting your focus to God’s eternal promises strengthen your hope.
Can you think of a difference in church practice that is considered disputable or outside of core doctrine? Why does Paul urge believers toward unity despite these things?
How would you summarize what you believe about Jesus to others? Does your summary agree with Paul’s?
What role does gift giving have in your Christmas celebration? How can we shine a spotlight on God’s gift of salvation as we gather with our friends and family?
Have you experienced the love of God in the way that John describes in these verses? Why does John portray Jesus as the ultimate expression of God’s love? How does understanding this enable us to love others?
Take time to read through the story of Jesus’ birth, either alone or with those you love. Share how this special delivery changed your life!
Merry Christmas from your friends at Today in the Word. Take a quiet moment today to thank God for the indescribable gift of His Son, Jesus.
Why was Simeon not surprised? What warning did he have for Mary? How did she respond to his words?
Different responses to the news of Christ’s birth are seen in Matthew’s account. Which response best reflects the attitude of your own heart?
Does grief make it difficult for you to celebrate the season? Rest in the promise that one day God will wipe away every tear from the eyes of His people (Rev. 7:17; 21:4).
How would you explain what you believe about Jesus to someone else? Have you tried to share your faith with a friend or family member?
How does Jesus’ offering of Himself differ from those of the Mosaic Law? What does it guarantee for us?
Jesus will come again “and will not delay” (Heb. 10:37). Are you ready for His return? What have you learned from this month’s study about waiting in hope?