We hope these questions will help you consider (or discuss with others) what God is teaching you through this month’s study of His Word.
Why does Matthew begin with a genealogy? What does this teach us about the character of God?
What did God’s presence mean to Mary and Joseph? What does His presence mean to us as we walk through difficult life circumstances?
Why were the Magi and Herod so interested in following this star? How does God guide us today? How do we know how to follow Him?
What was unique about Jesus’ baptism? How did God show up at that moment? How has God made His presence known in your life?
What can we learn about resisting temptation from following our Lord’s example? How is God’s Word like a lighthouse?
How are you doing as “salt” and light”? In what specific ways are you lighting the way for others to see Jesus? What concrete steps can you take today to enhance and preserve the culture around us with God’s love and mercy and making His presence known to a lost and dying world?
Today’s culture of social media adds a new complex layer to the words of Jesus in Matthew 6. What are the dangers of public displays of “religious” practice? How can we make sure we are giving, praying, or fasting for God’s glory alone?
In what way do you allow God’s Word to shape your thoughts, actions, and decisions? Why do we sometimes “invest” in something that is “shifting sand”? How can we increase the strength of our foundation?
How can we model Jesus’ behavior when faced with the needs of friends and family? How can we serve as channels of His comforting and healing presence in the world?
Compare and contrast the two miracles in this passage. What was the same? What was unique? How do these two truths frame our response to trials?
You are not on your own! How does knowing that God is present with you change your ability to undertake a task, whether it is sharing the gospel, serving in some form of ministry, or making ethical decisions at work?
Are you weary, burdened, or overwhelmed? Humble yourself and accept Jesus’ invitation. Find a quiet spot to draw near to Him in prayer, reading and reflecting on His Word. Find rest in His presence. He will renew your strength and bring peace amid your weariness.
Whose team are you on? Do your values and actions align with Jesus? In what tangible today can you demonstrate your allegiance even in the face of the spiritual darkness around us?
What can we do to prepare our hearts for God’s Word? What type of soil is your heart and how has that affected your time in the Word?
Knowing what they did about Jesus, why do you think the disciples were still so terrified? What can we learn from this example?
How are we sometimes like the Pharisees? What behaviors do we consider unclean and clean today? Do we sometimes prioritize the performance of religious duties over the state of our hearts?
What adjustments do you need to make in your resolve to follow Jesus well? Are you missing key equipment? Do you need to refocus your eyes on the right end point? Reflect and pray about this today.
What would happen if you refocused on the presence of God during the ordinary moments of your life? How would they be transformed? Try to seek moments of His presence as you go about your day today.
What guidelines do we find in Matthew 18 for biblical confrontation among believers? How can we make sure that God is present in these difficult conversations?
Why do you think the disciples discouraged the children from approaching Jesus? What did Jesus mean by His response?
What are some ways we can serve as Jesus served? How can we humble ourselves, and in so doing, entice others to join in on the loving and transformative presence of God?
What things in your life make “quiet time” with Jesus difficult? How can you prioritize and protect your time with the Lord?
What did the Sadducees believe? Why were they wrong? What are some popular ideas about God and eternity in our culture that are antibiblical?
What does the image of God as a parental bird mean to you? What does this image teach us about our relationship with Him?
What changes would you make if you knew the Lord would return today? What would shift? What would you stop? What would you begin?
What was your reaction to the parable of the Sheep and the Goats? Which group better reflects your actions toward others? How can you cultivate a heart of compassion?
What do the elements of the Lord’s Supper represent? What does it mean when we participate in a communion service?
What did the Roman centurion declare about Jesus? Why did he say what he did? What things led you to declare that Jesus is the Son of God?
What did the women expect to find during their visit to the tomb? What did they discover instead? How does this scene bolster your own faith?
Are you ready to obey God’s command to “go and make disciples”? How does the assurance of His presence help you to take your next step?