When my children were young, my wife taught them a song called “The Perfect Ten.” The lyrics were a paraphrase of the Ten Commandments. If I asked my college-age daughter to list the Ten Commandments, she references this song. Music helps us remember!
In Deuteronomy 32, Moses taught Israel a song designed to help them remember the message of the book. Moses intended for families in Israel to teach this song to their children (vv. 45–46). The song would be a constant reminder of who God is, His saving acts, and the consequences of rebelling against Him.
The song celebrates the greatness of God. It lists His names: Yahweh (v. 3), the Rock (vv. 4, 15, 18, 30, 31), Father (v. 6), Creator (v. 6), and the Most High (v. 8). Moses also highlights many of God’s attributes. He is faithful, perfect, just and upright (v. 4), passionate (v. 21), and compassionate (v. 36). Moses reminded Israel of all God had done for them: He chose them (v. 9), rescued and cared for them in the desert (v. 20), saved them (v. 15), and delivered them from their enemies (vv. 26–42).
Moses also provides a sober assessment of the human condition. Israel abandoned and rejected God (v. 15), made Him jealous by worshiping idols (vv. 16–17), and they forgot God (v. 18). This betrayal would lead to judgment and exile. Yet, God would not forget them even in their rebellion. The final line proclaims that God will “make atonement for his land and people” (v. 43).
We, too, can celebrate how God has provided atonement for sin in Christ (Heb. 7:27). We have “been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (Heb. 10:10). Perhaps we should spend some time singing praise in response today.
What is your favorite praise song or hymn? Read or sing the lyrics today as you remember Whom you serve and all He has done for you!
Today, we join Moses’ song in Deuteronomy 32, which he teaches to the next generation, including ours. Lord, give us new praise songs, which we, too, can teach our children. May we all worship You in an unending hymn!