Daily DevotionalMarch 18, 2025

Daily Devotional | Rules of Engagement

Deuteronomy 20:1–20

War is an inevitable and tragic reality of living in a sin-soaked world. This was true for ancient Israel as well; it needed to defend itself against hostile neighbors. However, Moses provided Israel with a set of rules for warfare that were in stark contrast to common practices of that time.

These guidelines, which were different than those reserved for the Canaanites (see March 3), placed limits on Israel’s conduct. Instead of being led by a general, their pre-battle speech was to be given by a priest. The priest would remind Israel that their success would not depend on the might of their arms, but upon the Lord’s presence with them (vv. 3–4). Israel was only to fight battles approved by the Lord. They could not just pick fights with whomever they wanted.

Moses also outlined several reasons why someone could get an exemption from military service. If they built a new house, planted a vineyard, or got engaged, they did not have to fight (vv. 6–7). Marriage, building, and farming all had a priority over war. Even those who simply felt afraid were allowed to leave, highlighting a compassionate approach to military conscription (v. 6).

When the battle commenced, Moses instructed Israel to offer peace to a city first (v. 10). Only if they refused would a battle be fought. During the battle, Israel was to protect the fruit trees and not ravage the land. As Moses put it, “Are the trees people, that you should besiege them?” (v. 19).

This passage is a reminder that God often calls His people to operate in ways that counter cultural norms. Our engagement with the world should be grounded in our trust in God’s sovereign presence with us. Passages on war also evoke a longing for the return of the Lord Jesus. Only then will true justice and peace reign (Phil. 2:9–11).

Go Deeper

Reflect on the guidelines God established for war. How do those differ from our modern-day views? How are they similar?

Pray with Us

“[Y]our God is the one who goes with you to fight for you” (Deut. 20:40). Almighty God, may we believe that this beautiful promise in today’s key verse is for us as well. We bless Your holy presence in our lives!

For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.Deuteronomy 20:4

About the Author

Ryan Cook

Dr. Ryan Cook has taught at Moody Bible Institute since 2012.

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