Seeking Answers: The Book of Job
Monthly Study
August 2024

Seeking Answers

The Book of Job

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.Job 19:25

The story of Job is a record of unimaginable suffering, inflicted by Satan on a righteous person. Maybe you too have endured great hardship or walked through a time where life was almost too painful to bear. Like Job, maybe you cried out to God, seeking answers.

In this Bible study, we see how Job remains strong in his faith even when he didn’t understand why God was allowing so much pain and loss in his life. He refutes the advice of his self-righteous friends and expresses continuous hope in God. It is my prayer that through this Bible study you will come to trust God even more with your own life.

Your devotional author,
Eric W. Moore

Volume 37Edition 8
Managing Editor: Jamie Janosz, Senior Editor: Elena Mafter, Contributing Editor: John Koessler, Writer: Eric W. Moore, Graphic Designer: Rachel Hutcheson, Marketing: JD Hamby, Production: Rhonda AuYeung

About the Author

Eric Moore

Dr. Eric W. Moore is Professor and Chair of the Applied Theology Field at Moody Theological Seminary.

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August Devotional Calendar


00:00 / 00:00
Job, the Lord’s Servant
As a pastor I try to match individuals to ministries based upon their spiritual gifts. Once when I was trying to resuscitate a dying ministry, my wife asked me, “Have you considered this person?”
August 1, 2024
Worshiping in Tragedy
In 2009, a major news outlet published an article titled “Why Do We Believe That Catastrophes Come in Threes?”
August 2, 2024
Trusting in Adversity
A member of our church contracted an unidentified bacterium that was rapidly destroying his pancreas. He was given a couple days before his pancreas would be useless and death inevitable.
August 3, 2024
Job’s Lament
In Frank Capra’s 1946 movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey was lamenting his life.
August 4, 2024
Eliphaz: Sin Caused Your Suffering
Years ago, when I was in seminary, I misplaced one of my Bibles. One of my classmates picked it up.
August 5, 2024
Job: Worthless Counsel
I grew up in Detroit, Michigan, the home of Motown. My parents were big fans of soul music. One of my parents’ favorite musical artists was James Brown.
August 6, 2024
Bildad: Admit Your Sin
Although we may never meet in person, I would like to pass on a bit of wisdom I have acquired as a pastor.
August 7, 2024
Bildad: Punished Unfairly
Unless you live in Michigan or Ohio, you are probably not aware of the Michigan-Ohio war which was waged over the territory known as the Toledo strip.
August 8, 2024
Zophar: Repent of Your Sin
In the television competition program The Voice, a contestant will sing, but the judges have their backs to him or her.
August 9, 2024
Job: God Deliver Me
In the movie, Forrest Gump, the main character is sitting at a bus stop when a woman arrives and sits on the bench near him.
August 10, 2024
Eliphaz: False Accusations
According to, the idiom fair-weather friend is related to a mariner’s term. In sailing, fair weather is easy and pleasant, promising smooth sailing.
August 11, 2024
Job: I’ve Been Humiliated
Job responds to his so-called friend Eliphaz by making a statement of which most of us would agree: “You are miserable comforters, all of you!” (16:2).
August 12, 2024
Bildad: The Fate of the Wicked
The “Innocence Project” states that part of its mission is “to free the innocent, prevent wrongful convictions...for everyone.”
August 13, 2024
Job: No Relief
In high school, I played on the football team. During the off season, the coach would have us lift weights. He had one strict rule when bench pressing.
August 14, 2024
Zophar: Twists and Turns
When we were kids, my cousins received a game for Christmas called Twister. It had a plastic sheet that was laid on the floor, and on it were different colored dots.
August 15, 2024
Job: Seeing Clearly
When I was an engineer at Ford Motor company, one of my products was the Wiper Control Module. It was considered a safety critical item.
August 16, 2024
Eliphaz: Full Disclosure
Have you ever struggled to understand a lesson? Although I graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering degree, I took Calculus II twice.
August 17, 2024
Job: Dark Night of the Soul
In August 1932, Thomas Dorsey lost both his wife and son during childbirth. Out of his great loss came a beautiful song that expressed his great need for God.
August 18, 2024
Bildad: Men Are Maggots
In a court trial, each lawyer is given the opportunity to make a closing argument before judge and jury. In the same way, in chapter 25 of Job, we hear a final speech from Bildad.
August 19, 2024
True Wisdom Comes from God
It seems as if once a month I get an email or text on my smartphone letting me know that there will be an update to the phone’s software later that night.
August 20, 2024
Longing for God
Is there a time in your life that you would love to revisit? For me, it would be the summers during my elementary school years.
August 21, 2024
Losing My Foothold
When we face trouble, it can feel like we are dangling precariously on the side of a cliff. We desperately try to find a foothold, any protruding ledge to grasp.
August 22, 2024
Living with Integrity
Do you remember report card day in elementary school? Your teacher would send home a report card that evaluated how well you performed at math, science, and the rest of your subjects.
August 23, 2024
Elihu: Compelled to Speak
Many today mourn the loss of our ability to have energetic but respectful conversations about difficult topics.
August 24, 2024
Elihu: Selective Hearing
Every now and then, somebody will explain to me (a pastor) how certain electronic equipment works.
August 25, 2024
Elihu: Righteous Indignation
When I was young, my dad and I watched the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. In the story Jefferson Smith stood up against corruption by holding a 24-hour, one-man filibuster on the Senate floor.
August 26, 2024
Elihu: How Great Is God
How accurately can we predict the weather? Most researchers agree that forecasting accuracy has dramatically improved (now at around 97 percent), but it only applies to short-term calculations.
August 27, 2024
How Does Creation Work?
Imagine how you would feel if you saw dark clouds approach. Suddenly, rain poured down and lightning illuminated the sky.
August 28, 2024
God and Animals
If you could talk to the animals, what would you ask them? Dr. Dolittle was the main character of a children’s book series popular in the 1920s.
August 29, 2024
Challenging the Almighty
What must it have felt like to question God and then hear Him respond?! After asking Job a series of questions regarding His creation, God asked, “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?
August 30, 2024
The Lord Restores
In the final chapter of the book of Job, the Lord turned His attention to Job’s three friends. They were wrong to accuse Job of having unconfessed sin in his life.
August 31, 2024

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