Jesus told a parable about a man going on a journey. He gave his servant five bags of gold and the man set to work, gaining five more for a total of ten. Another servant was given two bags of gold and increased his total to four. But the third did nothing but hide his bag. When the man returned, it was taken away and given to the first servant (Matt. 25:14–30).
Jesus used this story to teach a kingdom principle: Wisdom, righteousness, and faithfulness multiply their “return on investment,” while foolishness and wickedness leave one spiritually bankrupt (Matt. 25:29). This means wisdom can grow! A wise person is not “starting from square one” in every new life situation. Rather, learning becomes a habit that accumulates more and more wisdom (Prov. 9:9).
In today’s reading, wisdom is pictured as a welcoming host (vv. 1–2). She prepares her house, fixes the meal, and sets the table. The house’s “seven pillars” are a traditional symbol of perfection. Wisdom invites “all who are simple,” in the sense of “simpleton,” a naive or foolish person, “those who have no sense” (vv. 3–6). It should encourage us that wisdom invites not only “gifted” or “deserving” learners, but us ordinary fools. We need not stay that way. Growth and transformation are possible. Just say “yes” and come to the table!
How and why should we respond to this invitation? Most will respond in line with their previous choices (vv. 7–8). If we fear the Lord and seek righteousness, we will answer wisdom’s call (v. 9–10). The lesson in today’s reading stands in stark contrast with yesterday’s Scripture: Neglect or reject wisdom, and it becomes unavailable. When we pursue learning and godly wisdom, the benefits multiply (vv. 11–12).
>> The New Testament version of wisdom’s invitation is straightforward and guides us on how to increase our share: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God...and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).
Which biblical example of learning from this month inspired you the most? Which filled you with anxiety or fear? We encourage you to pray over these examples.
God in Heaven, give us the wisdom You promise to those who ask. We are easily swayed by others who are as limited as ourselves. Raise us in Your way of wisdom so we can stand firm.
Bradley Baurain is Professor and Program Head of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Moody Bible Institute.
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