The annual Midnight Sun Game is held in Fairbanks, Alaska, on June 21, the longest day of the year. The game is played through the midnight hour and never uses artificial lights. For residents, it is a way to reflect on the passing year and survival during a long winter. In Joshua’s day, the Israelites experienced their own long day of survival. Thankfully, the Lord was fighting their battle.
Joshua marched his army all night in order to execute a surprise attack on the king of Jerusalem and his allies. While Joshua was in the lead, Yahweh was in command. This is most evident when the author records the Lord performing two distinct miracles.
The first was when He made the sun and moon stand still so the Israelites could continue their dominance on the battlefield (vv. 12–13). This language is probably not literal but describes the phenomenon from an observer’s point of view. Just as we, for example, often speak of the sun as “rising” and “setting.” The text doesn’t explain how the Lord prolonged the hours of light during the battle, but it demonstrated that the Lord of Lights was in complete control and would fight for His people. This was not a new occurrence! After all, Yahweh had created a pillar of fire in front of Pharaoh so the Israelites could escape Egypt. He held back the waters of the Red Sea, allowing them to escape. He provided food and drink in the midst of their desert journey. Then, outside of Gilgal, He extended the hours of the day, so that the Israelites could continue their quest. Shortly after, He sent hailstones to destroy their enemies. We should never doubt God’s power. The Lord of Lights continues to fight for His people today.
>> What battles are you fighting today? An argument with family or friends? Anxiety or depression? An unexpected trial? Allow the Lord of Lights to fight for you. Seek His face and His Word. As you go through your day, commit your battles to the Lord, He will get you through it.
Thank the Lord that He is fighting our battles for us. Praise Him that, as in ancient times, He fights for His people today. Believe that in Christ the victory is already won.
Dr. Chris Rappazini believes "the Bible is still relevant, leadership is essential, and the church's best days are still ahead."
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