Daily DevotionalJune 20, 2024

Daily Devotional | The Embrace of His Presence

Matthew 19:13–15

Children’s ministry is an important part of every church. Why? Because what children learn at a young age shapes them for the rest of their lives. Many believers will tell you that they came to saving faith as a child, often under the guidance of loving Sunday School teacher who explained the gospel in a way they could understand.

In Matthew 19, we learn that Jesus had a special place in His heart for his littlest followers. Here, we see Jesus gladly welcome children into His presence (v. 14). He let them get so close that He could physically lay His hands on them to bless them (v. 15).

In the first part of chapter 19, Jesus is addressing marriage and divorce (v. 4). Immediately following, people began bringing little children to Jesus so He could pray for them (v. 15). The disciples, concerned, tried to stop them, but Jesus responded, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (v. 14).

Jesus not only welcomed the presence of children but also advocated for those who came to Him with unhindered, trusting, childlike faith. In His loving compassionate presence, we find a love that nurtures, comforts, and transforms.

Remember the words of David in Psalm 16:11: “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” The Lord’s presence is our refuge, a place of joy, security, and eternal delights. May we learn to approach Jesus with the simplicity and openness of a child, finding in Him our joy and ultimate satisfaction. It is also important to take every opportunity to teach our children about God’s love. To receive Today in the Word’s Family Study, go to todayintheword.org/family-studies.

Go Deeper

Why do you think the disciples discouraged the children from approaching Jesus? What did Jesus mean by His response?

Pray with Us

God, thank you for Your nurturing, comforting love! Help us come to You gladly, with a childlike faith. May we remember to tell the children in our lives about Your love and lead them into Your presence.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”Matthew 19:14

About the Author

Jim Coakley

Dr. Jim Coakley is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute.

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