Daily DevotionalOctober 18, 2024

Daily Devotional | Priestly Garments

Exodus 28

Uniforms indicate a wearer’s social function and call for appropriate respect. An individual wearing a blue uniform with a silver badge, for instance, is not to be seen only as an individual, but as an officer of the law and as a representative of the local government. There is meaning behind the clothing.

Similarly, in Exodus 28 God instructed Moses to have special garments made for the priests. The purpose of these items of clothing was to give dignity and honor to the people leading the nation in worship (v. 2). This was not about the qualities of any one individual, but about the office of high priest, the person representing the people before God and God before the people.

Six items of clothing are described here: 1) an ephod, which seems to have been worn over the shoulders (vv. 6–14); 2) a breastpiece (vv. 15–30); 3) a robe (vv. 31–35); 4) and 5) a sash and woven tunic, including linen undergarments (vv. 39–43); and 6) a turban with a gold plate, reading: “HOLY TO THE LORD” (vv. 36–38). These items were woven from beautiful and costly materials, namely, gold, blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and fine linen (vv. 4–5). Precious jewels with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were mounted on the ephod and breastpiece. This meant that the high priest always carried with him the tribes’ names as “a continuing memorial before the LORD” (v. 29). Due to the presence of the Urim and the Thummim (v. 30)—lots to cast before the Lord when decisions were needed—the breastpiece was called the “breastpiece of decision.”

Ultimately, the purpose of the priests’ clothing was to bring honor and glory to God. When the people saw the priests leading worship, they would be reminded of God’s love and faithfulness.

Go Deeper

The priests were to act in a manner fitting with their responsibilities. What happened to Nadab and Abihu when they failed to do so and why (Lev. 10)?

Pray with Us

Dear God, even the priest’s garments in today’s passage speak of Your love and faithfulness! Who is like You, Lord? You lavished Your eternal love on us and called us friends. Keep us faithful to Your love, we pray.

Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron to give him dignity and honor.Exodus 28:2

About the Author

Brad Baurain

Bradley Baurain is Associate Professor and Program Head of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Moody Bible Institute.

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