Daily DevotionalNovember 4, 2024

Daily Devotional | Our God Reigns

2 Kings 5:1–15

We live in a world that celebrates inclusion. But sometimes this represents a rejection of reality. For example, how many gods are there exactly? And is it possible for all these gods to be equals? While our society may tell us to accept them all, the writer of 2 Kings would disagree.

In the ancient Near East, a god would fight for, defend, and take care of the people within the boundaries of that country. So, it was disturbing to read that Naaman had achieved success at the hand of Yahweh (v. 1)! The Israelites believed there was only one God. His sovereignty extended over every nation, and Israel would only succeed if and when He willed it.

Naaman was “commander of the army of the king of Aram.” Although he was “a great man” (v. 1), he suffered from leprosy, an incurable disease. A girl, whom Naaman had enslaved, knew there was a prophet in Israel through whom wonders were taking place (v. 3)! Naaman, in an act of faith, requested leave to visit this prophet. He planned to appeal to the god of an enemy nation for help. So, he sent gifts to the king of Israel hoping to win the favor of this god. Little did he know that the king of Israel was wicked; the god of Israel was against him. “When Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his robes, he sent him this message: ‘Why have you torn your robes? Have the man come to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel’” (v. 8).

Elisha issued a simple command: Go and wash in the river Jordan (v. 10). Naaman returned clean! God’s miracle convinced Naaman that Yahweh was God of the whole earth.

Go Deeper

Why does it matter that we honor our God as the only true God? How does this belief increase our motivation to reach the lost?

Pray with Us

You are indeed the only true God! We proclaim Your sovereignty over the nations through the ages. Jesus, thank You for coming as the Light of the world to live among us, to expose our great need, and reveal Your steadfast love.

Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.2 Kings 5:15

About the Author

Steven H. Sanchez

Dr. Steven H. Sanchez is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute. His specific areas of study include the Israelite monarchy, the Pentateuch, the Second Temple period, and biblical archeology.

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