As a college professor, one of the most common conversations I have with my students is about God’s will. How does He reveal His leading to us? In Abraham’s advanced years, his primary concern became a wife for Isaac. Only through Isaac’s marriage and fatherhood would God’s covenant continue, so Abraham gave his chief servant specific instructions on how to find the right woman.
When the servant came to Nahor, he stopped by a well with his ten camels, and in prayer, he devised a unique method for discovering God’s will. He would administer a test. The servant would ask a girl for a drink, and if she offered to water his camels too, then she would be “the one.” Before he had even finished praying, Rebekah arrived (v. 15). The servant noticed her beauty and immediately asked Rebekah for a drink. She offered one without hesitation. Then she offered to water his camels as well. Her jug was 3 gallons or so in capacity. Since a thirsty camel can drink 25–40 gallons, Rebekah had to fill her jug about 130 times! The servant could add “hard worker” and “servant spirit” to her qualities.
The servant watched her intently, praying for internal confirmation for his external observations. He clearly received the assurance he sought because, when Rebekah finished, he gave her costly gifts and asked about her family (vv. 22–23). Upon hearing that she was Abraham’s close relative, the servant worshiped the Lord. The servant’s visit with Rebekah’s family served as further confirmation, as did Rebekah’s willingness to go immediately—even when her family asked for ten more days together.
>> The process of discerning God’s will involves prayerful assessment of our circumstances and motivations. We should ask God to direct our thinking and help us walk in step with His Spirit. Sometimes He reveals His will through unusual events. But more often He opens and closes doors and His Spirit gives us discernment. Over what decisions are you seeking His will right now?
Lord in Heaven, we desire nothing more and nothing less than to walk according to your will. As we face difficult decisions, please teach us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Guide us in your wisdom and goodness.
Kelli Worrall is Professor of Communications and Chair of the Division of Music and Media Arts at Moody Bible Institute.
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